品牌:上海安亭电子仪器 (安灵牌) 名称:便携式浊度仪 型号:WZS-1000B 出厂价:3200.00 概述 本仪器是便携式直流供电散射光微电脑控制的浊度计,仪器操作简单,使用方便,全机仅三个控制按键,三点自动校正,测量样品时,25秒后自动锁定数据。校正后数据长期有效,不易丢失。仪器测量值从低到高共分三档,能根据被测样品浊度值的不同而自动换档。所以,仪器不论在纯净水还是污水处理等各个领域都能正常使用。 本仪器可广泛运用在各行各业对水样处理及质量控制等现场使用的要求。 Introduction: This instrument is a portable turbidity meter with DC-powered scattered light and micro-computer control. the whole machine has only three control buttons,is of simple operation and easy to use. It is three-point automatic calibration, after 25 seconds of testing, data are automatically locked. Measuring value is divided into third grade, in testing it can automatically transmit according to different turbidity of samples. The apparatus,can be applied both in pure water and sewage water, as well as in other fields. 主要技术指标 1.测量范围:0-20NTU;0-200NTU;0-1000NTU三档;自动转换 Measuring range :0-20NTU; 0-200NTU; 0-1000NTU third grade; automatic transmission 2.示值误差:不大于±2% Indication error: not more than ± 2% 3.稳定性: 不大于±1.5% Stability: less than ± 1.5% 4.零点漂移:不大于0.2NTU Stability: less than ± 1.5% 5.供电电源:1.5V 、5号电池4节 Power Supply: 1.5V, 4 no.5 batteries 6.外形尺寸:220×100×70mm Size: 220×100×70mm |